1. The post should be well written in English.
  2. The content should be 100% unique. The post should be original and not published anywhere else
  3. No plagiarized content would be accepted. All our articles are passed through a plagiarism scanner to ensure that the written content has not been published before whether partly or completely.
  4. The Content should be at least 800 words.
  5. Divide the content by using proper headings and sub-headings
  6. The articles need to be submitted in Word doc format, no other format would be accepted
  7. The content should be informative, useful, and easy to read and understand.


We are particularly looking for posts or blogs on topics related to:


  • Oriental medicine

  • Latest Medical Research

  • Common Medical Condition

  • Mental Health

  • Conventional medicine

  • Medical education

  • Psychology

  • Healthy food habits

  • Misconceptions about a condition

  • Vaccination

  • Medical myths

  • Medical facts

  • Exercises to stay fit

  • Medical Insurance

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